Tuesday 13 August 2019

Just in time supply chain hits Stanton

Monday 12 August

With only 3 in today it could have been a bit of slow day, but that's not the way we work here 😉
First off there was a bit of running round sorting out our truck, Roger and Nigel took alternate transport to get to Stanton with the equipment. The stock of concreting ballast was very low and we couldn't get any loaded at Winchcombe, a quick call to a reactive supplier did the trick and 2 tonnes was dropped off just in time for us to start concreting the down side cess outfall at Bridge 11. 

Roger made a start on the top headers on the down side south wall extension this morning, then moved over to the north wall to get the facing bricks down. 

Nigel drops off some mortar for Roger 

Nigel removed the shuttering from the end of the brick arch, the arch is now complete and it looks a treat. 

Culvert 11A - up side end of the brick arch with concrete coat 
Culvert 11A - up side end of the brick arch 

The down side gabion baskets have been topped off with some of the extra gabion stone. 

Nigel gets a top job 😃

After lunch we were ready to start the third concrete pour for the down side cess. 

Concreting ballast and Sand arrive just in time 
Nigel gets the mixer going to consume the supplies 

With Monday being a non-running day, it's our preferred day for deliveries as we can get them down to site. The top of the down side cess outfall channel was the recipient of the concrete 

First couple of mixes into hole 
3/4 of a tonne of ballast later, the base layer was down 

The top layer of concrete will be dropped in on Thursday all being well. Roger made steady progress on the down side channel walls in between getting in amongst the concrete. 

Culvert 11A - south wall headers 
Culvert 11A - north wall facing bricks and second block course 
The down side from the bridge 
The up side brick arch from the bridge 
The shuttering came off the up side cess outfall as well 

The up side just needs some scour protection to finish it off, we are waiting for a dry spell to this when the flow drops off a bit. 

Weather wise, it was dry and improved during the day, noticeably cooler now which is better for working. 

Tourism poster picture 😊 - Cotswolds Harvest 


  1. The whole area is looking much improved from the starting point! I'm sure it's been a lot of hard work, but the results are IMO very worth it!


  2. You guys are doing a great job with this restoration!
